Meeting With A Criminal Defense Lawyer After A DUI

Law Blog

It's vital to seek the help of a lawyer after being arrested for DUI (driving under the influence). When meeting with a defense attorney for the first time after being charged with DUI, it's important to gather and bring certain documents and information to aid in the initial consultation. Here are some items you should consider bringing:

  1. Copies of Police Reports: If you have obtained a copy of the police report related to your DUI arrest, bring it with you. The report contains important details about the incident, including the officer's observations, field sobriety tests, breathalyzer results, and any statements you made during the arrest.
  2. Court Documents: If you have received any court documents regarding your DUI case, such as a citation, summons, or notice of arraignment, make sure to bring those as well. These documents provide information about the charges against you, court dates, and any conditions of release.
  3. Driver's License and Vehicle Information: Bring your driver's license and vehicle registration documents. These will be relevant to the DUI charges and may impact the potential consequences you could face. Additionally, if your license was suspended or revoked following the DUI arrest, bring any related documentation.
  4. Documentation of Alcohol or Substance Abuse Treatment: If you have been in rehab or plan to attend rehab, bring paperwork to demonstrate that. This can demonstrate your commitment to addressing any issues and may be beneficial in crafting a defense strategy or negotiating for reduced charges.
  5. Medical Records: If you have any medical conditions that may have influenced the DUI arrest or the accuracy of the breathalyzer test, bring relevant medical records to provide context and support your defense.
  6. Witness Statements or Contact Information: If there were witnesses present during the incident or individuals who can provide relevant information or testify on your behalf, bring any statements or contact information you have obtained.
  7. Questions and Concerns: Come prepared with a list of questions and concerns you have about your case, the potential outcomes, and the defense strategy. This will ensure that you have a productive and informative discussion with your attorney.

Remember that this list may not be exhaustive, and the specific items you should bring can vary depending on the circumstances of your case. It is advisable to consult with your attorney beforehand to determine any additional documents or information they may specifically request for the initial meeting. To learn more, speak to a DUI attorney.


13 July 2023

If A Tree Falls In Your Yard: Your Legal Rights

When your neighbor's tree comes down on your house, their insurance company should pay for the damages. If you find yourself in a situation where the insurance company is fighting the claim, it's time to talk with an attorney. When you retain an attorney, he or she will help you to get your claim processed the way that it is supposed to be. Hiring an attorney also shows the insurance company that you are aware of your rights and are willing to pursue your legal options to enforce them. I created this site to share my experience, including what happened when I did talk with a lawyer. I hope the information here helps you to get the reimbursement you deserve.